Three men stand in the sunlight of a concrete parking lot, in front of a blocky concrete building bearing the words "Cooper Nuclear Station."
狄龙·贝利,23岁, Jacob Patrick ’23 and Devan 史坦利 ’21 stand together outside Nebraska Public Power District's (NPPD) Cooper Nuclear Station (CNS). 三位毕业生, 还有22岁的肯尼·肯普, are using their Doane degrees in engineering or computer science as CNS employees. Image courtesy of Stephanie Farmer, NPPD nuclear communications specialist.

It was Jacob Patrick’s high school dream to land a job in nuclear engineering. But when he graduated from 林肯 Southeast in spring 2019, the job outlook for the field was less than optimistic (total available jobs for nuclear engineering were actually predicted to decrease at the time, 帕特里克回忆.) 

So he kept the dream in his pocket as he completed his engineering degree at Doane, with an emphasis in electrical engineering and the intention of working in the power generation industry. 

“My father has worked with public power entities his whole working career and explained the many benefits it has when compared to private power utilities,帕特里克说. 

他开始看招聘启事, especially in Nebraska — the only state with 100% publicly owned power utilities, according to the Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD). 

“我一点也不知道, I would be given the opportunity of a lifetime to work at a nuclear plant and learn all about it,帕特里克说. 

事实上, 四个 Doane graduates now work at NPPD’s Cooper Nuclear Station (CNS), 位于内布拉斯加州东南部,沿着密苏里河. Patrick and Dillon Bailey are both spring 2023 graduates from the engineering program, and Devan 史坦利 graduated two years earlier in 2021 with a degree in computer science. Kenny Kemp, who graduated in 2022 from the engineering program, was also recently hired at CNS.  

像帕特里克, 史坦利 heard about the benefits of working in public power from a parent — his mother worked at NPPD’s Columbus office and recommended he apply to an open position there. He did, and interviewed with a developer who previously worked at CNS. 

That developer told 史坦利 his skill set would be perfect for another position at CNS. So he sent in a second application, and lined up another interview. 

“我以为我完全搞砸了,他说, after his internet connection failed for a video interview, 结果被匆忙改成了电话面试. But two days later, he got a call — when could he start? 

史坦利 now works within NPPD’s IT team, specifically on the district’s intranet system. He, Patrick and Bailey work in separate offices — Patrick is in instrumentation and controls design and Bailey is in the EFIN department, 哪个专注于解决出现的问题. But they regularly see each other for projects, training, “or just to say hello,帕特里克说. 

The three (likely to be joined by Kemp) are also part of NPPD’s chapter of the North American Young Generation Nuclear (NAYGN) organization, which focuses on advocacy for nuclear energy and education in inviting younger employees into the field. 斯丹利是副总统. As part of NAYGN, they’re often the ones leading school and community tours of the CNS facility. 

Funny enough, they all knew each other through different connections at Doane. 史坦利 and Bailey were fraternity brothers (both were in Alpha Omega) and roommates. Patrick and Bailey knew each other through engineering classes. 斯坦德利知道 of 帕特里克,因为他父亲, 香农·帕特里克86年10A, is an AO alumni (Patrick was in the Alpha Pi Epsilon fraternity.) 

史坦利 and Patrick both encouraged Bailey to apply for the job. But he says Doane has the credit for making him successful at it. The ABET accredited engineering program emphasizes necessary technical knowledge, but also teaches students critical thinking and communication. 所有这些技能对于EFIN部门都是至关重要的, 他的任务是进行计算, understanding policy and procedure in the highly regulated nuclear industry, and communicating project information with other departments. 

“I am excited to deal with the challenges of working on emergent issues and always having something new to do,他说. 

Patrick echoed that he felt prepared to enter his career after graduating from Doane. 

“No class could have prepared me for the huge amount of information I would be learning about the nuclear industry, but Doane absolutely helped me sharpen my critical thinking skills and deduce important information,帕特里克说. 

他们来的正是时候, 他说, 随着核能的新发展, 比如小型模块化反应堆. 更棒的是他, 史坦利, Bailey and Kemp get to continue learning alongside each other, 在一个支持他们的工作场所. 

“My fascination with nuclear power got me interested in the position but it was the people that solidified my choice,帕特里克说. “From my very first introduction with plant personnel to new people I meet every day at work, 这些人是有史以来最好的同事.”