Jason Levine and Matt Fuller chat about an upcoming podcast for Jason's Heart.
Jason Levine (left) chats with Matt Fuller '12L '16MAM in the office space shared by SoarinGroup and Jason's Heart in 林肯's Haymarket district.

Matt Fuller ‘12L ‘16MAM knew he wanted to move his career toward nonprofit work. It was one of the reasons he returned to enroll in 澳门威尼斯人网址’s Master of Arts in Management program, 也就是现在的领导艺术硕士. 他拿到学位的最高分, 领导力项目的发展, was actually designed with the hope that he would eventually be able to apply it at a future job.

仅仅几年之后, he found a role that allowed him to do just that — at Jason’s Heart, 林肯的一个新的非营利组织. Fuller is now COO for both Jason’s Heart and SoarinGroup.

“I really wanted my career to be more focused on the nonprofit world, helping our communities and designing development programs, 我知道, 的某个时候, 这个项目很可能是相关的,他说. “很高兴看到这一天终于到来了!”

His entire leadership program has now been integrated into the nonprofit’s curriculum, 其中包括一个全职的, 付费的学徒计划和免费的, public courses to help build up folks in the community recovering from hardships.

“Our curriculum focuses on building the individual’s foundation first and making sure they’re able to 是真实的, 并且要有成功的信心,富勒说.

From there, participants can learn and develop skills in IT and media production and strategy. They’ll leave the year-long program with the skills to jump right into a new job in IT administration or media production.

该组织收到了501(c)3 - i.e. nonprofit — status in December 2021 and was also recently accredited by the U.S. 作为一个学徒计划. If you drive by the Haymarket parking garage at Ninth and Q Streets, you can see logos for both Jason’s Heart and sister company, SoarinGroup, 提供IT解决方案的公司, 人力资源与媒体.

Several of SoarinGroup’s clients have included other 林肯 nonprofits, 包括CenterPointe和Bridge, 哪些关注心理健康和成瘾治疗. 与这些组织和其他组织合作, SoarinGroup的老板Tom和Michaela Nielsen, 和杰森·莱文, 杰森之心的执行董事, saw several needs in the community that weren’t being met.

首先是, 随着COVID-19大流行, a lot of people are reevaluating their careers and relationship with work — the “great resignation” as it has been summarized. Which means the job market is better than it’s been in years, 而是缺人填补空缺的角色.

The second is that employment and job training are often limited for certain populations, 比如退伍军人, those who have been incarcerated or in recovery from addictions. Or, for people designated as low-to-moderate income or victims of domestic violence and abuse, resources for empowerment and pathways to higher-paying jobs may have significant barriers. 

“The more that we can collaborate and share and be a big team in our community, 我们就能越快地把潮水掀起来, and we’re going to be able to level the playing field and bring those up around us who need the most help,富勒说.

There’s a reason why Fuller named the program he developed for his master’s degree capstone “people metrics.” He pulled from several of the communication concepts and theories learned during Doane’s Master of Arts in Management (now Leadership) program, but what s太d out to him most was the technique of co-active coaching. This technique looks at people with the understanding that they are complete in every way they need to be.

我总是喜欢说, 这更像是一个循环术语, 但请举手,就好像他们只是需要有人伸出援手, 帮他们一把,说声“嘿”, 你值得拥有, 你可以这么做,’”富勒说。.

Side note: a hand-up in cycling means giving a moving cyclist a drink or snack during a race or competition so they can continue at top performance. 在人员指标方面, it means providing the foundation and support a person needs to build themself up.

Throughout the process of adapting his capstone to work with the apprenticeship program at Jason’s Heart, Fuller has remained in touch with his Doane professors for feedback and guidance. From receiving his undergraduate degree in organizational communication to finishing his master’s degree, 他说他在澳门威尼斯人网址的经历都很棒.

“There are just so many things about Doane that are different, just the focus on actually coming out with practical things that you can deploy in your career. 我认为, 更具体地说,是我的项目, 只是真实性的重要性吗, 透明化,用心生活,他说.

他希望最终, as people leave the classes taught through Jason’s Heart, 或者当他们完成他们的学徒生涯, 他们紧紧抓住这些教训, 太.

“只要活在当下就好。, 是真实的, 在你所做的事情上保持透明和有意识, 你知道, 做额外的事情是因为它们真的很重要,富勒说.

There are just a couple things left before Jason’s Heart begins accepting applications for apprenticeships. One is running through the curriculum to make any adjustments. Fuller and Levine have been leading the team at SoarinGroup through a truncated version of it for several months as lunch-and-learns, 并且已经做了一些改变.

“We reorganized a few things in the curriculum as far as the flow, 至于我们什么时候引入更多针对具体工作的培训,富勒说.

The other is finding organizations that want to partner with Jason’s Heart, whether they want to support the program as a good cause or as a way to gain new hires from the pool of apprentices.

For information about becoming a partner, contact Jason’s Heart at (电子邮件保护) 或者拨打402-480-7035.