Four actors on a stage lit with purple and yellow lights, 一个穿长裙的女人, two men wearing dark pants, 衬衫和流苏背心, and a second woman in a tshirt, 打底裤和靴子. They're all wearing felt turkey tails and leaning to their right. The stage is set to look like a theater classroom, with props and posters on three walls and the fourth open to the audience.
A scene from Doane Theatre's November production, 《澳门威尼斯人网址》," written by Larissa FastHorse. 展示了全部演员阵容, featuring Katie Craig ’26, 洛根·卡佩克,24岁, 本·赛尔 ’23 and Percy 厄尔 ’24. Images courtesy Doane Theatre / Jack Krejci

在一月底, students from Doane’s Theatre Department journeyed to Des Moines, 爱荷华州 for the 55th annual Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival (KCACTF) for Region 5.

The week-long festival celebrates collegiate 剧院 students, departments and productions from Nebraska, 堪萨斯, 密苏里州, 爱荷华州, 北达科他, South Dakota and Minnesota. 各种规模的学校, from fellow GPAC schools to NCAA Big 10 schools, bringing students from graduate and undergraduate programs, participate alongside one another during the events of the week.

Doane left with six Meritorious Achievement Awards, and student participation in multiple highly-selective events during the festival. 朱尔斯·达姆24, 林肯, auditioned and was selected for the Long Form Improv Team, which performed on the festival’s final day. 艾玛·伍兹24岁, 弗里蒙特, was also selected to serve as the stage manager of the 10-minute Play Festival.

Students also had opportunities to audition for regional professional 剧院 companies. All students who participated — Jules Damme, 本·赛尔, Hailey Trahern and Percy 厄尔 — received callbacks.

“We’re all so proud of all our students and faculty for these amazing accomplishments,Rob McKercher说, professor of 剧院 and co-director of the Theatre Department. “Doane is a small fish in a sizeable sea at the festival, and it’s a testament to the immense talent and hard work of our students, alumni and faculty that we regularly receive regional and national recognition from the Kennedy Center.”

Meritorious Achievement Awards were presented to casts and individuals by production:

An image from the production of "Reefer Madness" showing actors on a two-level set with brightly colored lighting shaped to look like marijuana leaves. 两个演员, one in a fur cap with a tail and one in an angel costume, stand on the top level of the set. 在基本水平上, two actors stand on the far left and right with flags, and a group of 11 actors pose together in the middle.

The spring 2022 production of “Reefer Madness”

  • The full cast was awarded with Outstanding Ensemble Performance
  • Outstanding Music Direction went to Boston Reid ’22, 奥马哈
  • Outstanding Prop Design went to Jax Stander ’25, Waverly
两个演员 leaping into the air on a stage set to look like a grocery store, with two shopping carts and two doors on the left and right sides of the stage.

The spring 2022 production of “Love/Sick”

  • The full cast was awarded with Outstanding Ensemble Performance
  • “Love/Sick” was also nominated for Outstanding Scene
Four actors pose on a stage, with one miming a bowling motion. The stage has two levels, and a puppet dangles precariously from the second above the words "To Be or Not To Be." The rest of the set looks like a 剧院 classroom, 有桌子和椅子, posters covering the walls and props littered around the edges.

The fall 2022 production of “The Thanksgiving Play”

  • Awarded for Selected Outstanding Scene, which was performed during the festival. 这是其中之一 前10名 scenes chosen to represent the region.
  • Outstanding Stage Management was awarded to Paige Pulte ’25, Gretna

此外,澳门威尼斯人网址有 八个 students nominated for the Irene Ryan Acting Scholarship competition, during which students perform a solo monologue, and perform a scene from a musical and play with a partner:

- 洛根·卡佩克,24岁, 克里特岛 

- Percy 厄尔 ’24, Columbus 

- Nicole Carraher ’23, Gretna

- Hailey Trahern ’25, Ulysses, KS 

- Alexa Munsinger ’25, Shenandoah, IA 

- 朱尔斯·达姆24, 林肯

本·赛尔, 23岁,奥马哈

- Katie Craig ’26, 林肯

Carraher, 厄尔, 卡佩克和芒辛格, along with their scene partners, advanced to the semifinal round in the competition out of nearly 300 regional actors. 芒辛格(与合伙人), Trahern) and Capek (with partner, Carraher) performed in the final round of 16 students in front of the more than 1300 students and faculty who attended the festival.