这是一座砖砌建筑,顶部是金属屋顶. 有一圈砖围在一扇百叶窗的圆窗周围.
A metal bulldog is situated in the middle of what looks like the entrance to a model building, 由金属构成.
看起来像一块2x4的木头,上面刻着绿色的字母“DOANE”. 在董事会的顶部也有两个削减. 它看起来像钥匙的齿吗?
What looks like four rectangular metal posts rise out of a yellow-lichen covered concrete base. 它们的一边有厚厚的阴影.
A close-up image of a building shows cream-colored siding and an overhanging, sage green roof. 这座建筑看起来完全是由木头和顶部的双吊顶组成的, 矩形窗口适合照片的左下角.
A small sign, partially shadowed by a tree trunk, reads "维吉尔 Superform Norway Maple." Wait, "维吉尔" isn't the name of a a tree, right?
一幅显示白色柱子底部的图像. 底部有两个部分,一个是直角的,顶部是圆形的. From the base rises the fluted column, covered in dark green vines and shriveled fallen leaves.
这无疑是一台自动取款机, with a sliver of screen bordered by silver buttons cut off by the right side of the image, 在一个双色调灰色塑料盒子里. 背景中挂着传单,宣传着各色各样的“谁知道什么”.
蓝色的天空构成了图像的顶部, dissected into a "W" by the underside of the roof of a building. 在图像中向下移动, there's a metal gutter at the edge of a white-painted overhang topping a brick wall and horizontal window. 在窗户里面,你可以看到一个看起来像老式玻璃灯的东西.
一个看起来像木制动物的雕塑,可能是犀牛,也可能是长颈鹿. 背景是红砖.
一块巨石的一角,被一棵细枝树的影子交错着. 巨石坐落在一堆棕色覆盖物上.
这看起来像博斯韦尔天文台的铜圆顶,通过两个小孔切开...一块木板? 一篇文章? 不管是什么?
黑板上写着白色粉笔的图像. 有一个字清楚地写着“徒利”."
A green-toned image of what looks like a wall broken up by panels with a three-pronged wheel attached to their front. 想知道当你转动轮子时会发生什么?

During this last week of April, you might have noticed a change from our normal fare on Doane’s Instagram 故事. 窗台或屋顶下面的照片. 自动取款机的特写镜头或柱子上的树叶.

也许你认得其中的一些照片. 事实上,我们真的希望你做到了. 毕竟,这些照片都是我们在克里特岛校园里寻宝游戏的一部分.

我们选择了16个对学校和校友具有重要历史意义的地点. The teaser photos are all loaded into the carousel at the top of this page — how many can you guess off the bat?

Read on to see full images of each location and a little bit about why they’re significant. 



Boswell建于1883年,是Doane在克里特校区最古老的建筑. 它是以查尔斯·博斯韦尔的名字命名的,他的继子在澳门威尼斯人网址教书. 博斯韦尔是澳门威尼斯人网址第一任总统的密友, 大卫·布雷纳德·佩里捐赠了5美元,建筑和天文设备, 其中包括一台8英寸的阿尔文·克拉克望远镜. The observatory is believed to be the first weather service headquarters in Nebraska and is one of three Doane buildings listed in the National Register of Historic Places.

望远镜仍然可以操作, and 鲍斯威尔天文台 holds many artifacts from Doane’s early natural sciences programs. 事实上, 旅行团仍然开放 校园访客须知. 请务必提前发出通知,因为天文台不是定期开放的. 


Image of the fifth floor of 盖洛德大厅, looking down the stairs as a student comes up them.


盖洛德大厅, 建于1884年, is in itself a fascinating building and one of three Doane buildings listed in the National Register of Historic Places. But the fifth floor in particular is interesting — it is home to the Hansen Room and full of history from the life of Zenon C.R. 他是麦克卡车公司(Mack Trucks)前首席执行官,也是汉森领导力项目(Hansen Leadership Program)的发起人. 


澳门威尼斯人网址校园里一尊钥匙形状的雕塑. The key reads "Doane is, 是, 将" on its teeth.


校园里散落着许多姐妹会的雕塑之一, 兄弟会和学术团体, 这把钥匙是1975年由Tau Sigma Zeta奉献的,上面写着“Doane is”, 是, 将.“它位于珀金斯图书馆入口的南面. 


Image of the remains of the bell that rang for nearly 90 years in Merrill Hall and now memorializes the building in front of Merrill Tower.


Merrill Tower 是 constructed in 1971 to memorialize Doane’s first campus building, Merrill Hall. 这座大厅在1969年被大火烧毁, 但部分钟和建筑物的基石保留了下来. 


Image of Fiske Lodge, currently the ticket booth and concession stand at Doane's Memorial Stadium.


位于纪念体育场的南端, 现在的售票处在很多年前被称为菲斯克旅馆. It 是 built in 1910 as an infirmary in case students needed to be quarantined due to outbreaks of disease and served as 克里特岛’s first hospital, 直到1950年建了一家医院. 


莎莉·史密斯喷泉的形象. 卡塞尔剧院,佩里校园中心和美林大厦在背景中显示.


This fountain, located just to the south of Cassel Theatre, 是 constructed in memory of Sally J. 1982年的史密斯,他在1981年的交通事故中丧生. 瀑布流入附近的澳门威尼斯人网址湖. 它于2022年重建. 史密斯是Omega Psi Theta姐妹会的成员, 在她的记忆中继续唤起人们对预防酒驾的意识. 


A sign reads "Poet's Grove" on a brick wall. 墙后是一片小树林,后面是惠特科姆李温室.


1884年植树节, Board of Trustees member Samuel Andrews tossed pebbles across the lawn south of the Whitcomb Lee Conservatory. Students then planted trees at the landing site of each stone to honor poets and poetry — the named trees include Shakespeare, 叶芝, 维吉尔, 但丁, 华滋华斯, 弥尔顿, 教皇, 荷马和霍普金斯, 尽管现场的一块牌匾上写着最初有十几个. 在2014年地球日的重新奉献仪式上增加了更多的树木. 自1884年以来,澳门威尼斯人网址学院研究的诗歌范围扩大了不少. 你想让谁加入诗人的树林?


迪恩·佩戈拉的照片, 这是一座希腊风格的藤架,有白色的凹槽柱,坐落在一个现已封顶的泉水周围. 这张照片拍摄于早春, 所以树是光秃秃的,在山顶的背景中可以看到弗里斯大厅.


The pergola 是 built in 1930 with funds from 1880 alumna Carrie 迪安 in honor of her parents. It’s situated on what 是 originally a natural spring, although the spring no longer flows. 凉棚受到希腊的影响,有凹槽的柱子. An inscription above the capped spring reads “I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely,这是启示录21:6的一段话.  




Perry Campus Center 是 built in 1963 and named for 大卫·布雷纳德·佩里, 澳门威尼斯人网址的第一任总统. 如果你漫步穿过大楼的一楼, 你会看到一台自动取款机, 这在任何大学校园里都是很常见的景象. It’s significant because George Haddix ’62 是 one of several Doane graduates who helped create the software used in ATMs. 他和莎莉·哈迪克斯也是澳门威尼斯人网址体育娱乐中心的名字. 




If you thought we weren’t going to mention the third and final Doane building on the National Register of Historic Places, 你想错了. Whitcomb Lee Conservatory — colloquially known as the Con — 是 built in 1906 and is one of a very small number of pentagonal buildings. 你可能知道另一个,以它的形状命名.

The Con is also significant because it 是 built in the Prairie School architectural style, 由弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特推广. 迪安 & 芝加哥的迪安,设计Con的建筑师,模仿了这种风格. 他们也是埃德温·迪恩(Edwin 迪安)的兄弟姐妹,后者在1925年至1936年期间担任澳门威尼斯人网址的第五任总裁. 


Image of the Hahn art collection on a landing between the Communication Building's first and second floors.


Dr. Natalie Hahn donated a large collection of art purchased and gifted to her during her nearly 40 years working in Africa with the United Nations. 哈恩捐赠了这些藏品,以纪念澳门威尼斯人网址长期的教育学教授. 道格·克里斯坦森. 这些藏品分别存放在澳门威尼斯人网址的克里特校区和林肯校区, 可以在克里特岛的通讯大楼看到, 以及林肯的行政大楼和弗雷德·布朗中心. 




Doane holds many monuments marking other Nebraska colleges that didn’t quite make it to 150 years. 这巨石, 位于帕多·沃克的东南部, 最初位于内利的盖茨学院校园内, 内布拉斯加州1890届毕业生. 盖茨学院于1881年由公理会教会开办. 它于1914年关闭,1955年巨石被转移到澳门威尼斯人网址. 


彼得的驿站图, 澳门威尼斯人网址第一任总统骑过的马, 大卫·布雷纳德·佩里.


在克里特岛出现汽车和铺砌道路之前, 澳门威尼斯人网址的第一任总统, 大卫·布雷纳德·佩里, 他会每天骑马去上班吗. The hitching post where Peter 是 tied while on campus still stands in the lawn south of Merrill Tower. 彼得为人熟知,深受学生喜爱, 一些有进取心的人, 如果病态, 彼得死后,澳门威尼斯人网址们曾在柱子上摆了一副马骨架. 


从艺术/教育四楼, 从近360度的观景窗可以看到澳门威尼斯人网址校园的大部分景色. The image looks out over Merrill Tower, Padour Walker, Perry Campus Center and Butler Gymnasium.

Chab Weyers教育中心四楼 & 希克森·里德艺术大楼

四楼没有什么特别的历史意义, 但是从中可以看出, 你可以看到澳门威尼斯人网址翠绿的校园和克里特岛的美景. The building 是 constructed in 2007 and named for a $2 million gift from the Lied Foundation Trust and a donation by Lois (Chab) ’67 and Larry Weyers ’67. 


惠特科姆李温室的旧黑板图片. The boards are covered in old chalk, the names of students long since graduated, inside jokes, etc.


在监狱北边的走廊里, 在舞台和休息室之间, 几块旧黑板排列在墙上. These are original to the building and salvaged from its second floor prior to its renovation in 2004. 木板上的涂鸦可以追溯到20世纪70年代.


珀金斯图书馆下层可移动的书库图片. 通过转动轮子,可以移动书库来查看期刊和杂志.



The Communications building has been home to Doane’s library since its construction in 1970. 珀金斯图书馆本身是以基蒂·珀金斯慈善信托基金捐赠的礼物命名的. The Perkins are a notable Nebraska family and you’re probably familiar with the product invented by Edwin Perkins in 1927 — everyone’s favorite powdered drink, 我灌!