学生Maddy Ramey, 奥利维亚·沃尔(Olivia Vore)和阿里·莫尔顿(Ali 默尔顿)在盖洛德大厅(Gaylord Hall)的地下室工作室接受本文采访时开怀大笑.
学生Maddy Ramey, 奥利维亚·沃尔(Olivia Vore)和阿里·莫尔顿(Ali 默尔顿)在盖洛德大厅(Gaylord Hall)的地下室工作室接受本文采访时开怀大笑. “是的,这就是我们,”当他们看到照片时,他们表达了这样的情绪. They are three of Doane's eight-member forensics team, a close-knit crew that also includes Erik Rodriguez, 丹尼·阿瓦洛斯, 布莱尔Kampovitz, 特雷·波特和凯西·凯斯勒, and coaches Nathaniel 威尔逊和詹妮弗·托雷斯.

在那之后的20多年里 澳门威尼斯人网址取证 开始, 在美国法医协会全国演讲锦标赛(AFA-NST)的团队抽奖活动中,该校经常进入前20名。. Students frequently make it into out rounds — the quarter-, semi- and finals rounds at 全国锦标赛 in individual events.

It wasn’t until 2022 that Alexandria (Ali) 默尔顿 ’24 took home a 全国冠军 这是球队的第一个冠军. 默尔顿 received first place in poetry interpretation, as a sophomore. 该队总成绩为第18名.

There’s pressure on all to achieve even more in 2023. 但他们正在前进的路上——已经有9个项目获得了全国参赛资格, 更多的计划正在进行中.

让我们更详细地了解这对准备参加州锦标赛的球队意味着什么, the last few qualifying tournaments and finally, 全国锦标赛, 包括在圣安娜的AFA-NST, 加州.

你不熟悉法医学吗? Scroll to the bottom for a little background info on competitive speech!



Doane’s forensics team is small, with eight total students. 但他们很强大.

通常, 在两场不同的比赛中获得前三名的排名才有资格参加全国比赛. 在地区锦标赛中获得前三名意味着自动获得参赛资格.

“在地区, we qualified [for nationals] every event that we brought,24岁的奥利维亚·沃尔说, 包括他们和莫尔顿在比赛前三天一起进行的双人口译.


当然, 沃尔和莫尔顿从高中起就开始竞争了(沃尔实际上是从中学开始竞争的).) They’ve put in the work, several times over. 他们也是室友,尤其是对二人组来说,亲近绝对是有利的.

It’s not just them, though — the entire team is close.

26岁的麦迪逊(麦蒂)雷米说,当她刚到校园时,她有点担心自己是队里唯一的一年级学生. 不过,她的恐惧很快就平息了. 

“Everyone was really quick to help me transition to college. 我们找到了自己的团队凝聚力,”她说.

比如取笑法医主任纳撒尼尔·威尔逊不听泰勒·斯威夫特的歌 比如斯威夫特.)这支队伍也经常在比赛和训练之外见面, 在心理学和通讯课上, 例如. Several team members have psychology majors or minors, and Wilson is also an assistant professor of practice in communication.

自2019冠状病毒病大流行开始以来,现在有更多的比赛在线异步举行. But there’s nothing like a good 14-hours-both-ways drive to Austin, 去德州参加地狱冰冻(HFO)锦标赛,真正了解人们. Ramey, 默尔顿, Vore, 威尔逊和詹妮弗·托雷斯, 法医学助理主任, 就在1月11日的那个周末. 14.

雷米打破了她的两个事件,一个P.O.I. 以及散文解读, to final rounds at HFO — a first for any first-year team member, 威尔逊说.

“Obviously, it’s a stressful activity,他说. “But overall, they’ve been very focused, they’ve been very calm. They’ve been very, very supportive of each other. 这为所有的工作创造了一个良好的环境.”

和Ramey一起, 莫尔顿和沃尔, Erik Rodriguez ’23 and 丹尼·阿瓦洛斯 ’24 are also active team members, competing in tournaments and qualifying events for nationals.

另外三名学生是兼职学生, meaning they’re not as active in competition, 但他们仍在筹备至少一项赛事,并可能参加锦标赛. 布莱尔Kampovitz ’25 is currently serving as team manager, 23岁的特雷·波特和24岁的凯西·凯斯勒也加入进来,以获得更多的公开演讲经验.

Student Olivia Vore sits on an orange stool in an orange pant suit, 打着粉色领带, holding a small black binder used for interpretive speech events. To their left stands Maddy Ramey in a green skirt suit. On their right, Ali 默尔顿 stands in a pink suit and looks back at Vore. The three students are in front of a dark curtain on a black floor.
学生们(左至右)Maddy Ramey, Olivia Vore and Ali 默尔顿 perform pieces of their interpretive events, which make use of the small black binders each hold. 在一年中的这个时候, all three have already qualified multiple events for nationals, and have their sights set on getting additional events up and qualified. 



现在团队已经完成了HFO, their next big competition is the state tournament on February 11. Doane will host a tournament the next weekend, 并在三月初与康考迪亚大学联合举办一场比赛——但在四月份的AFA-NST之前,只有几场其他的比赛.

这就是春季学期早期的挑战——尽可能多地做研究和写演讲稿, 制作角色和剪辑脚本, 并完善第一学期完成的尚未合格的项目, 在获得资格的机会耗尽之前.

“我们经常建议的一件事是,在学期的前两周尽可能多地做功课,威尔逊说. “然后随着课程的增加, 你已经准备好了, and you’re just polishing and ready for performance at that point.”

到三月初,学生们将专注于参加新项目并获得资格. 但在那之后, 随着全国赛的临近, 现在是时候掸去每一个合格项目的灰尘,想办法让它焕然一新或变得更好.

Take the events that 默尔顿 and Ramey took into finals rounds at HFO, a larger tournament with many of the same competitors, coaches and judges that will attend nationals.

“So, 我们要怎么做才能确保这一点呢, 来的人, it’s still unique and novel for the audience,威尔逊说.

在某些情况下, 这意味着从裁判的比赛记录中获取反馈,看看其他人是如何解读整个事件的, or how pieces of the event are understood differently. 在其他情况下, 特别是在公共演讲活动中, it means incorporating recent events or policy changes.

“在许多其他活动中, you would want that consistency over multiple races, 表演, 无论, and it’s a little bit of the opposite in forensics,托雷斯说。.


  • Ramey has qualified her Program Oral Interpretation (P.O.I.) & 散文解读.
  • 默尔顿 has qualified her Informative and DUO interpretation with Vore.
  • Vore has qualified their 散文解读, Dramatic Interpretation and DUO Interpretation with Ali.
  • Avalos has qualified her 散文解读 and Poetry Interpretation.
  • Rodriguez has qualified his After Dinner Speech. 

另外, 波特正在研究一种戏剧性的解释,凯斯勒正在研究一种有说服力的演讲.



像他们的队友一样, Vore已经开始筹备另外两个活动——一场信息丰富的演讲和诗歌解读.

“从季前赛开始,纳撒尼尔(威尔逊)和我就一直在谈论这个问题,沃尔说。, 关于非二元恒等式.

无论是公众演讲事件,如信息或解释事件, there’s nearly always a personal connection to the topics and themes, 这让法医学对学生和教练来说非常特别.

Like the informative that 默尔顿 has qualified, on augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices. She uses her own AAC device, a tablet, during the speech. Her nationals-winning poetry interpretation focused on disfluency.

或者Ramey,他的P.O.I. 是关于跑步中有一种感觉,你越瘦,跑得越快. But any and all body types can be good at running. She’s a member of Doane’s track and field and cross-country teams.


汽油价格接近5美元, I thought I would spend the majority of my paycheck on gas alone,他说, 开车10英里上下班.


“我们互相支持,”她说。, to claps from Vore and 默尔顿 (the three were interviewed together.)

这也是为什么许多在当地竞争的球队——黑斯廷斯学院, 康科迪亚大学, 内布拉斯加大学奥马哈分校和林肯分校在地区和全国比赛中互相加油.

“It’s really exciting to see the other Nebraska schools do well. You see them so often that you memorize their pieces,沃尔说。. 



别担心,通常不会有血迹分析或DNA采集——尽管都是法医鉴定 科学 和法医 说话 are rooted in legal evidence, reason and argument (the 美国法医协会 对这段历史有扎实的概要吗.在这种情况下,它是公开演讲.

通常有11项大学赛事, 分解成解释性事件, public address events and limited prep events. 这些定义缩写自 国家法医协会的章程.


  • 戏剧解释,它使用戏剧材料(戏剧、剧本等)的选择.)围绕一个主题或论文. 
  • 诗歌的解释, 哪一种使用诗歌节选(或具有诗歌元素的材料)来围绕一个单一的主题或论点. 
  • 散文解读,使用散文(短篇小说、小说、散文等)的节选.)围绕一个主题或论文. 
  • 口译课程(P.O.I),它使用从多个类型的文学节选围绕一个单一的主题或论文.
  • 两人的解释, 哪个是两个人的表演, using selections of any genre of literature or published material. It’s not acting, though — there’s no prop usage. 


  • 饭后演讲(ADS), 哪一种演讲是为了通过幽默来娱乐一个单一的话题. 
  • 有说服力的演讲,这是一种旨在通过态度或行动影响听众的演讲. 
  • 信息说, 哪种演讲是为了提供关于某个主题的详细和深入的信息而设计的.
  • 沟通分析, 有时被称为修辞批评, 哪一篇演讲的重点是传播理论,并用它来分析一个人工制品或事件. 


  • 无准备的演讲, 它给每个学生三个问题,回答与国内或外交政策有关的事件. 学生有半小时的时间准备一篇7分钟的演讲,回答其中一个问题,并指出为什么答案是正确的. 
  • 即席演讲,为学生提供一个单词,短语或引用. Students are given up to seven minutes to prepare and present a speech.