An image of characters Puck and Oberon from 澳门威尼斯人网址剧院's production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" in September 2023. 这两个角色, Puck in a pink skirt and floral corset with crimped brown hair and Oberon in a white tshirt and black vest studded with buttons and pins and long blonde hair, 互相碰一下拳头. 两人站在霓虹紫色布景前, with bouldering handholds leading up to a doorway in a wall.
First-year student Tori Brelsford and junior Cooper McClure 互相碰一下拳头 as the characters Puck and Oberon from Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream.该项目于2023年9月在Doane投产, and was one of four productions to receive awards at the Region V Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival Jan. 16-21.

澳门威尼斯人网址剧院 学生和教师返回得梅因, 爱荷华州 for the 56th annual Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival (KCACTF) the first week of the spring semester.

The week-long festival celebrates collegiate 剧院 students, 内布拉斯加州的部门和制作部门, 堪萨斯, 密苏里州, 爱荷华州, 北达科他, 南达科他州和明尼苏达州. 各种规模的学校, 从其他GPAC学校到NCAA 10强学校, 带来研究生和本科生的学生, participate alongside one another during the events of the week.

Doane students and faculty received 10 Meritorious Achievement Awards, along with additional honors. 

“This is one of the best regional accomplishments for this incredible department over the past 18 years,Rob McKercher说, professor of 剧院 and co-director of the Theatre Department. 干得好!”

Senior Logan Capek as Lysander in 澳门威尼斯人网址剧院's fall 2023 production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream."
Logan Capek (as Lysander in the production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream.")
Senior Jules McDowell as Bottom in 澳门威尼斯人网址剧院's fall 2023 production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream."
Jules McDowell (as Bottom in the production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream.")
















Seniors Jules McDowell and Logan Capek also both advanced to the semifinal round of the 艾琳·瑞恩奖学金 Competition, 近300名参与的区域行动者. 麦克道尔(以及卡佩克), their partner for the competition) went on to perform in the final round of just 16 actors in front of 1300 peers and 剧院 faculty on January 19. 

They placed second overall and will be an alternate candidate for the national KCACTF held in Washington, D.C. 今年春天. Capek was also awarded Best Scene Partner in the final round. 

“KCACTF was an amazing opportunity to showcase everything I’ve learned at Doane. I was very lucky to be competing against the best of the best, 我觉得因为澳门威尼斯人网址,我有了竞争优势,麦克道尔说.

Two students were additionally invited to participate in select intensive workshops. Junior Jax Stander auditioned for a directing intensive and won a spot in the two-day workshop, 学生们在哪里探讨了导演一部戏剧需要什么. Senior Percy Earle auditioned for a musical 剧院 intensive and won a spot in the week-long intensive. Earle performed in a cabaret held at the end of the regional festival. 

The regional festival also offers students opportunities to audition with professional 剧院 companies. 三-厄尔, and sophomores Katie Craig and Jules Harlow —  participated in a giant open call audition and secured callbacks.

Meritorious Achievement Awards were presented to casts and individuals by production:

Image of a scene from 澳门威尼斯人网址剧院's spring 2023 production of "樱桃园." Three actors sit or stand on a rug of artificial turf on the set of the production, which combined natural elements like tree branches with walls, furniture and chandeliers that show hard times falling on a bourgeousie family.
从左到右, 资深Logan Capek(饰演角色Lopakhin), and 2023 graduates Trey Porter (as Gaev) and Nicole Carraher (as Lyubov) on the set of "樱桃园.图片由Doane剧院/Jack Krejci提供. 


  • 客座导演杰米·布林斯, associate professor of 剧院 for the Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film at the University of Nebraska–林肯, 获得杰出指导奖
  • Emma Woods ’24, Fremont获得优秀舞台管理奖
Image from 澳门威尼斯人网址剧院's spring 2023 production of "音乐剧爱美丽." The cast rains confetti over seniors Logan Capek and Percy Earle, as characters Nino and Amelie.
The cast of "音乐剧爱美丽" rain confetti over seniors Logan Capek and Percy Earle as characters Nino and Amelie. 图片由Doane剧院/Jack Krejci ' 23提供.


  • 全体演员被授予杰出的集体表演奖
  • 朱尔斯·麦克道尔24岁, 林肯, 贾克斯·斯坦德25岁, 威利, 获得杰出木偶设计奖
  • 亚历克西斯·麦克丹尼尔-盖茨,25岁,加州湖滨.获得优秀舞台管理奖
Image of 澳门威尼斯人网址剧院's fall 2023 production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream."
Members of the cast of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" perform a play within the play.


  • Jax Stander获得杰出舞台管理奖
An image from Doane's November 2023 production of "明亮的新博伊西." Cody Crist (as character Will) looks at Olivia Nelson (as Anna.)
Sophomore Cody Crist (as character Will) looks toward first-year Olivia Nelson (as Anna) during Doane's production of "明亮的新博伊西." A scene featuring the two actors was part of the KCACTF Invited Scene Showcase.


  • 获得第五区电影节优秀场景奖, and participated in the Invited Scene Showcase — one of the top 10 scenes representing the entire region. However, the public performance was canceled due to COVID-19. 
  • Sam Feng, 27岁,来自科罗拉多州Centennial., 获得了杰出音效设计奖, Outstanding Assistant Scenic Design and Outstanding Assistant Tech Direction